Alan Shlemon, Dealing with Homosexuality and Transgender Issues in the Church with Truth and Compassion
Greg and Alan talk about dealing with LGBT issues with truth and
compassion, then Greg answers questions on forgiveness not ending the
consequences of sin, what Jesus would do about baking a cake for a same-sex
wedding, clues to the historicity of the resurrection accounts, different
kind of discrimination, God being unfair to the Israelites in Egyptian
slavery, a book on Bible difficulties, attending church with kids,
confusing marriage and partnership, if Christian wedding photographers
should take a stand, and how someone should lead their wife to Christ.
Greg Koukl
Nancy Pearcey, Finding Truth
Greg and guest Nancy Pearcey discuss Finding Truth: Principles for
Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes, then Greg talks
about the Cinderella movie, Christian education and biblical authority, how
God affects our free will, how Christians should think about traitors, a
visit to Glen Eyrie, if Christians can benefit from non-Christian religious
sources, and how far to go participating in secular activities.
Greg Koukl
New Prophets and Words from God
Greg talks about the new prophets and words from God, new ideas defending
the deity of Christ, if one should tithe when in debt, why the inerrancy of
the bible is a big deal, how patriotism fits with Christianity, questioning
salvation, how to know if you have eternal security, how we have free will
in Heaven if we can’t sin, what John 10:35 means, truth and compassion in
action, cans science disprove science, how to be faithful to the Bible and
gracious to a homosexual co-worker, and how to decide the greater good in a
moral dilemma.
Greg Koukl
Frank Turek, Stealing from God
Greg and guest Frank Turek discuss stealing from God, then Greg talks about
the trip to Calgary, his personal experience with the New Apostolic
Reformation, what Satan’s access is to God, if Hell demonstrates more
intrinsic human value than annihilation, the New Apostolic Movement, how to
deal with moral dilemmas, God’s punishment and judgement being fair, how to
evaluate different theological systems, and if Christian wives are
obligated to obey non-Christian husbands.
Greg Koukl
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