
Jossy Chacko: Church Planting in India

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Published on 03/01/2009

Greg talks about dealing with doubt, church planting in India with Jossy Chacko, then takes calls on if God has rules He follows, suggesting tactics to use with a dishonest skeptic, and more.


  • Commentary: Dealing with Doubt
  • Guest: Jossy Chacko - Church Planting in India
  • Does God have rules He follows?
  • Can you suggest tactics to use with a dishonest skeptic?
  • Christians are inconsistent in how seriously they take different verses in the Bible.
  • How is Jesus the Father and the Son?
  • What is your thought about the rise of Christian scholars in secular universities?
  • What is the eternal fate of those who lived before Jesus and never heard God’s promise that Israel received?