Host: Greg Koukl
Greg and guest Jennifer Roback Morse discuss whether our country will listen to religious freedom arguments.
- Guest: Jennifer Roback Morse, Will Our Country Listen to Religious Freedom Arguments? (00:00)
Mentioned on the Show
- Why Religious Liberty Arguments Aren't Working by Jennifer Roback Morse
- Ruth Institute
- Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
- The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims by Jennifer Roback Morse
- Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village by Jennifer Roback Morse
- Smart Sex: Finding Life-Long Love in a Hook-Up World by Jennifer Roback Morse
- Kids' Divorce Stories – Ruth Institute
- What Every Child Needs: The Unique Contributions of Fathers and Mothers – Collection of studies
- Fathers Don't Mother by Amy Hall
- Why Same-Sex Marriage Can't Afford to Be Tolerant by Amy Hall (Quoting Matt Anderson)