Tactics and Tools

How to Respond Effectively to the Da Vinci Code

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Published on 05/21/2006

Greg talks about how to respond effectively to the Da Vinci Code, then takes calls how we know the biblical text is reliable, if personal testimonies are an effective way to witness, how to deal with someone who says they don’t believe in truth, and more.


  • Commentary: How to Respond Effectively to the Da Vinci Code
  • How do we know the biblical text is reliable?
  • Are personal testimonies an effective way to witness?
  • How do you deal with someone who says they don’t believe in truth?
  • How do you defend a classical view of truth?
  • Was Paul chauvinistic?
  • Is it effective to demonstrate at abortion clinics?
  • How can a public school teacher integrate their Christianity in the classroom?
  • What is the emerging church?