Christian Living

European Trip Teaching Christians

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Published on 07/16/2013

Host: Greg Koukl

Greg talks about the European trip teaching Christians, talking with atheists on Unbelievable, and why God is hidden.


  • Commentary: European Trip Teaching Christians (00:00:00)
  • What’s the difference between believing “in” and believing “that”? (00:25:29)
  • How do you deal with a critic who likes to do a “data dump” and ask you to respond? (00:42:26)
  • Commentary: Talking with Atheists on Unbelievable (01:00:10)
  • How do you deal with anti-intellectualism in the church? (01:19:34)
  • How do you answer the possibility of same-sex couples reproducing? (01:46:16)
  • Commentary: Why Is God Hidden? (02:00:10)
  • Is Biblical inerrancy circular reasoning? (02:11:23)
  • How do you answer atheists who quote the Bible to challenge you? (02:25:53)
  • Should we forgive someone who is unrepentant? (02:41:24)
  • How can you tell when something in the Old Testament is metaphorical? (02:51:33)
  • How do you talk with another Christian who disagrees with you? (02:54:55)